Sunday, September 13, 2009

Sick Days

Most of our family has been battling a cold for the last 5 days so it changed our routine for a while. Though I don't like relying on the TV to keep things running when everyone, including Mommy, gets sick I'm willing to bend the rules a bit. When you're feeling badly you take comfort in the little things so the kids and I spent the roughest days curled up with blankets and pillows, hot cider, tea and popcorn watching Mighty Machines and the Iron Giant.

They were, in fact, very nice days.


Margaret said...

Oh my. So sick and adorable!

mellanie said...

i went to the doctor this morning. they gave me a z-pack for bronchitis.

Amy Kline said...

Ack! What Margaret said. We've got the sniffles up here too... not sure if they're just allergies or something more ominous. Hugs to you! Get well soon!