Thursday, February 18, 2010

Packrats in Training

After a few more naps and bedtimes of trying to put the kids in their travel beds I have realized just how much stuff they sleep with. These are "needs" to them.

For Addie: Pillow, Teddy (large stuffed), Roxy and Charlie (small stuffed), gloworm, 2 blankets and 4 pacifiers. Yes 4. One for her mouth, one in each hand and one extra. (She only gets them when it's time to sleep so she likes to hoard them. Breaking this kid is going to be rough. It's next on the list after switching to toddler beds.)
For Gabe: Pillow, BoBo (large stuffed), DoBee (small stuffed), 2 blankets, a lovey and one pacifier.

I'm wondering if when taking trips we'll have any space left in our car for luggage.


Margaret said...

Ha! They're not alone, though -- Thomas has Fred, and Fred [i]has[/i] to be in his bunting. And don't even get me started on John's veritable army of "friends" -- the little ones who have to be in [i]their[/i] bunting, the big ones who have to arrange themselves carefully around his head, the one who holds his tissues, the medium one that he hugs while he sleeps...

Anonymous said...

Haha, my toddler only needs his blankie at the moment. He gave up sookies on his own over a year ago. Bottles on the other hand...

Angie @ Many Little Blessings said...

Two of my kiddos sleep with a ton of things. Every so often, we have to clear out their beds and let them only bring in a few things. But, then it's only a matter of time before it all builds up again. I never remember having special things to sleep with as a kid, but then my kids have a kingdom of stuffed friends and blankets.