Sunday, February 15, 2009

Cool Kids

Gabe loves to wear sunglasses. We recently got them their own pairs but mommy's are still the favorite.

I don't know when it started, but Addie has started mimicking the way people stand. This day she was wearing a new pair of overalls, her first experience with pockets. She strolled over to the chair, leaned on the arm, crossed her feet like mommy and shoved her hand in her pocket. She's just chillin'.


Margaret said...


Seriously, I was going into hard-core withdrawal without updates. But it was worth the wait! These pictures are awesome -- so much little baby attitude!

More, please...

Jen said...

ha ha HA!!!!

Oh man -- she has that pose down *pat*. And she suddenly looks about five years old.

Mommy, it might be time for a little bang-trimming... heh.

Karen said...

Bang trimming for which? I gave Gabe a cut on Friday, looks pretty good actually. I'm getting better though still managed to clip my fingers a few times. Addie will NOT have bangs. I'm not a fan of bangs on little girls. I'm not a fan of bangs in general. The hair is almost long enough to tuck behind her ears, if she would just let me clip it back....